To encourage a healthy spirit of competition and for the physical well ? being of the students, the school provides facilities and opportunities for a variety of games & sports both out door and indoor. These include Basket ball, Volley Ball, Tennis, Badminton, Table Tennis, Skating, Horse Riding, Martial Arts, Yoga, Aerobics, Gymnastics, Throw Ball, Cricket, Soccer, Hockey etc. a rigorous Physical fitness programme for boarders as part of daily routine is conducted under the guidance of experienced coaches of National & International repute. Consistent Yoga routines are conducted in the early morning hours to keep the students active, sensitive & energetic throughout the day.
On admission into the school, each student is allotted one of the four houses (Jr./Sr.) namely Himalaya, Nilgiri, Shivalik, Vindhya. Each house is placed under the charge of a House I/C and Asst. Teacher, who are responsible for the participation of each child in the house. House Captains and Prefects help the I/C in the smooth functioning of the houses. The students participate in various school activities, house wise in the form of inter-house competitions which spur out the hidden inherent talent within them & grooms their spontaneity & improvisation.
The Hostel accommodation consists of dormitories for girls & boys separately which are well illuminated, well ventilated & airy. Each hostel is placed under the charge of a Warden & Asst. Warden who are responsible for the welfare of each child in the hostel. Hostels are conveniently furnished. The common room is a place for social interaction and recreation in each block. Sufficient numbers of news-paper and magazines and indoor games are made available in the common room for students. The amiable atmosphere serves as a respiteful remedy to expel the home away feeling & provides the much sought happiness & solace to bereaved students.
Wholesome Veg. and Non ? Veg. meals are provided to the students by the school mess which is managed by an able and qualified Mess Incharge. Proper care is taken to provide the students a balanced & calorific diet. Members of the staff also eat with the students for supervision during meals. A high standard of hygiene and cleanliness is maintained in the dining hall and in the modern well equipped kitchen of the mess.